Thursday, 24 April 2014


Kapany pioneers the use of fiber optics in medicine & telecommunication.
Optical fiber, made from glass or plastic, is used to guide light from a source to another location. First used in medicine to examine internal organs, the technology has since been developed for many application, including telecommunication.
Indian-born Narinder Singh Kapany is the father of fiber optics.While undertaking research at Imperial college in London in 1952, Kapany drew out fine filament of optical glass and found that when he shone a light in at one end , it emerged unchanged from the other, even if the fiber was twisted. Kapany discovered that light was guided by total internal reflection (T.I.R) within the glass fiber.His work paved the way for today's use of optical fibers in                                                                                                         telecommunication.

                "A teacher told Kapany that light could travel only in a straight line.Kapany set out to prove him wrong."


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